Berühmt-berüchtigt u.a. für ihr Engagement gegen soziale Ungleichheit und vom New York Times Magazine als ‚Heldin‘ gekürt. Peaches veröffentlicht ihre neue Single „Pussy Mask“ inklusive Video!

Sie stellt Stereotypen auf den Kopf, verschiebt Grenzen und bricht Barrieren – so kennt man die durchaus als Ikone der Pop-Kultur zu bezeichnende Sängerin Peaches. Viele feierten sie als Vorbild, seit sie sich aufmachte ihren sexuell progressiven Weg zu gehen auf ihre ganz eigene Art gesellschaftpolitische Themen künstlerisch zu bearbeiten. Heute veröffentlicht sie die neue Single „Pussy Mask“, eine bissige Auseinandersetzung mit der maskenfeindlichen politischen Wahl während der Pandemie.
Veröffentlicht wird die Single auf Jack White’s Third Man Records.Peaches sagt: „Because of the pandemic, our collective anxieties unite us more than ever. Even though it may not affect each one of us the same way, we all have similar base concerns. A serious reminder that we are all in this together. I wanted the song to be absurd and fun but also a reflection of our concerns. The humor shines some light into our dark, confusing, and frustrating reality.
I had a line about my pussy squirting so much that it needed to wear a mask and it began to feel like more of an anchor to build a song around. It brought up questions about sexual freedom and the coronavirus. It also brings up the topic of the word Pussy itself in relation to politics & feminism. Not new in the mainstream in recent years (pussyhats, WAP, etc.) but as we hear it more there are still many who consider it to be vulgar and will censor.“
Das lustige-explizite Musikvideo, bei dem die preisgekrönte Künstlerin Leah Shore Regie führte und es gemeinsam mit Rob Yuflo animierte, enthält Cartoon-Versionen von Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez und Dr. Anthony
Hier ist der Link zum Video.
Legendary feminist icon, musician, producer, artist, and „peerless iconoclast“ (Elle) Peaches has always been a political figure, with lyrics famous for their focus on social inequality, body image, gender, and age equality. She was called a ‘heroine’ by The New York Times and has spent the past two decades upending stereotypes and challenging social norms while championing issues of gender equality and sexual identity with biting wit and fearless originality. On her latest releases, she’s more direct and defiant than ever. In just the past 6 months she’s taken on systemic oppression on „Flip This“, celebrated the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade with friends Cyndi Lauper, Nona Hendyrx, Linda Perry, and more on Amanda Shires‘ „Our Problem“ and last year her seminal album The Teaches of Peaches turned 20, in a retrospective NPR said it fundamentally „shifted the window for sex in pop.“ Now she is releasing „Pussy Mask“ a scathing take on the mask-averse political choice during the pandemic.
Some other major culture moments for Peaches this past year include Dave Grohl’s version of „Fuck The Pain Away“ featuring Peaches, as well as projects with Nick Cave, Tenacious D and most recently creating Fill The Whole, an online gaming experience with award-winning directors and digital artists Pussykrew for the prestigious music and arts festival CTM in Berlin, play it here.
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